EntrepreneursWith Disability  Development Program 


Imagine a world where disabilities are not a setback but a platform for success! Our new program empowers individuals with disabilities by cultivating essential business skills that opens the door to endless opportunities.

Our program has two parts. The first part, called a taster course, spans over two days and is composed of four modules. In this part, we cover financial planning, business innovation, digital marketing, and resilience. This program has been developed in partnership with school of Business, University of Leicester. 

The latter portion of the program is currently under development. It provides a more extensive experience, spanning a duration of 6 months to a year. This business accelerator program goes into greater depth, exploring the topics introduced in the initial taster course. It offers a comprehensive range of resources, including confidence-building exercises, personalised business coaching, peer-to-peer support and valuable mentorship opportunities.

Both programs are delivered remotely in a friendly, supportive environment. Most importantly, all our trainers are disabled themselves or have an in-depth understanding of disability.

In life, the absence of opportunities is the sole obstacle, regardless of one's abilities
Mark Esho

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